In solidworks, I got a macro to control the scale of a view in the drawing.
Only the macro points to a value (here *2) and I would like it to point to a property of the document (varaiable)
If anyone has the trick?
Thank you!
In solidworks, I got a macro to control the scale of a view in the drawing.
Only the macro points to a value (here *2) and I would like it to point to a property of the document (varaiable)
If anyone has the trick?
Thank you!
What is the name of the variable?
For my variable it's SCALE
A property created and controlled in an excel part family $PROPRIETE@ECHELLE
Can you put your macro in a text file please?
You will need to use this instruction:
SCALE = swRefDoc.GetCustomInfoValue("", "SCALE")
Before the amended line:
swView.scaledecimal = SCALE
swRefDoc is your 3D document in your view (see if you called it the same by searching for swView.ReferencedDocument)
Here's the macro,
If you can improve it for me with your education:)
Because I entered it before the line (as shown)
But I have an error message on this same statement: "Object required"
Probably related to the swRefDoc but I don't see too much...
Thank you very much!
The macro only handles integer values... problematic to make 1:2 scales.
In addition, the macro will point to the scale property in the part file property (normal) but in the customize tab.
I'd like to be able to point it to a text type and not a number to connect to my SCALE property. thus
Maybe modify at the macro level?
swView.ScaleText (does not work)
If we can point to Configuration Specific and not to Customize , it's a win:)
There will always be the question of integers
That's 2 more questions! :-p
Ask a new question on the forum as this one is on sale!