Hello, who uses SOLIDWORKS Manage?

I'm looking for a viable and simple solution for project management, process management and dashboard and SolidWorks manage seems to meet that.

I'd like to have your feedback on the complement, on the size of the structure that uses it.



You say for project management, process management, and dashboard and SolidWorks manage seems to address that.


You have to be sure of what you are looking for and above all be well aware of the limits of the chosen tool.


"SolidWorks Manage" is clearly a project development tool, which is based on PDM, which is an almost passive tool, and also a product maintenance tool, but it doesn't seem to me to be the right tool once production is launched.

In other words, it's clearly not a production management tool. I say that because you say you want to do process management.
 In this case, approval processes in the design or revision that take place over time should not be confused with process management in the broad sense.

However, it is not a multi-business project management tool because it has at best a Gantt generator but has a PERT network which is the only tool that gives a global vision of the project sequence.

So if there is a discussion, there must be! it's around clarifying the words "PROCESS" and "PROJECT" in your company, because that's where it's decisive.

Apart from that, SW manage is a very good tool: in the sense that it allows you to move from a passive PDM, to a dynamic management of a design project and maintenance of finished products.

Kind regards



I invite you to watch the replay of our webinar on SOLIDWORKS Manage:

If you have any questions about this product, here is some info:

Manage  features:

From SOLIDWORKS PDM to SOLIDWORKS Manage: 4 new features in data management: 

If you need information about Manage:

Have a nice day

@Zozo_mp, the terms Process and Project are terms that I took from the sales brochure

Precisely, I was looking for users who would allow me to get feedback other than that of a salesperson, which can only be positive and less objective than a user.

For the moment no production on the internet but indeed in the long term it will be the case and my vision was mainly related to approval or revision.

@Clémentine, thanks for the links, I had already watched them. I'll probably get in touch with Visiativ to get a presentation.