In a drawing, my baseplane title block contains an image of a logo.
When printed in PDF, this image is partially hidden and truncated by, apparently, the outer outline of an adjacent view (blue frame in view selection).
The delineation or surface of the view (blue frame) covers the title block and logo, but only hides the image from printing only, not from the screen.
Does anyone have a solution to resize the outline of the view without changing the scale and without moving the view (Very busy layout)?
Trimming does not help.
Or maybe another solution, on the front or back image as on other software, or on the background plan
Hello, a solution that can work: you have to import an OLE object
Insert / Object / Photshop
Now I'm adding my logo as a layer,
once returned to SW, a black frame appears around the logo, which is not the case as a sketch image.
Without having Photoshop, try to see for other resolution of the logo or simply by reducing it a little.
But even with a good resolution if one of the views (the outline of the view on the drawing) overflows on the image it will be truncated into a pdf recording. The trick is to print with the adobe pdf printer and not save in pdf, and the image is not truncated.
I saved my view, with the same orientation but I put it flush with the edge of the graphic space, and thus the delimitation of my view is reduced to MEP.
I haven't found anything better
Printing in Adobe printers is not as good as saving in PDF and the thickness of lines or shaded images is not as good and very greedy in bytes.
If Gérald has a solution to his attachment, I'm all for it.