We bought 3 Zbook z14 laptops with 16GB of RAM from our SW dealer
With large assemblies or simulation, it tells me insufficient memory but it remains at 8GB of ram usage.
The solidworks support just tells me to increase the virtual memory...
Do you have an idea for it to use all the ram?
Thanks in advance
October 18, 2018, 8:14am
First in the task manager, manually try to set high priority, right click on SLDWORKS.exe in detail under w10, then "set priority"
Hello, a priori Solidworks only works in multi-core for Simulation and Photoview.
See post below:
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Uh.. Is there a relationship between the multicore and the amount of RAM?
October 19, 2018, 8:18am
The problem is that windows and solid put a lot of information in cache, so we have for example 7 GB of used in real time + almost as much in cache.
we can see this info with Win 10 on the task manager performance tab memory part.
Kind regards.
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October 19, 2018, 8:24am
Be careful however by increasing the virtual memory it influences the performance of the pc. read/write to the hard drive. Provide an SSD for this otherwise headache to wait.
Kind regards
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Be careful because it's not the same way of working at all. Your pb this product in SWCad or SWSimulation.
The stories of a single heart or multi-heart have nothing to do with it.
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The problem appears on solidworks in design and not simulation.
What annoys me is that I didn't have a problem with the same use on my old PC, and that it appears on this new PC bought from our SW dealer.
October 23, 2018, 12:43pm
I think that increasing the virtual memory will help you out and limit these messages.
Below is a bit of reading with why how if it can help you.
After all I think that 24/32 GB of RAM depending on what you do is not a luxury.
I don't recommend using the Windows ready boost, it worked pretty well until the day I got screwed up with it and lost hours of work.
on my previous computer with 16GB and W7 of ram I never had a problem... It's probably coming from W10 who wants to make us buy more memory then