SolidWorks crashes when I zoom in on my assembly


I take the liberty of asking the question on the forum because my solidworks crashes very regularly, not to say all the time, when I zoom in on a somewhat complex assembly.
When I say complex, it's a production workshop with extruded squares  so nothing very resource-intensive (Normally).

I wanted to know if there were any modules to disable or if someone has already had this problem and would have found a solution. 
Thank you in advance for your answers


Thibaut ROBERT

Hello @thibaut.robert 

Difficult  to answer this question with so little info

may be a problem

of repetition 

part reconstruction (locking bar)

Part constraint ref on parts






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I propose to do a test, 

Before you open a document

  1. Check Option > performance > use OpenGl.
  2. Open the assembly. 

If the problem goes away, the problem is in the hardware acceleration, 



I propose to do a test, 

Before you open a document

  1. Check Option > performance > use OpenGl.
  2. Open the assembly. 

If the problem goes away, the problem is in the hardware acceleration, 


Great thanks for your answers and thank you Lynk! Since then, no more bugs. 


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You're welcome 

So the problem is the graphics card, so

  • If solidworks worked normally before, restoring the previous version of the graphics driver should be enough (or even switching to the right card if there are two).
  • Otherwise you can troubleshoot with the OpenGL function while you get a compatible card.