Solidworks VBA Programming


I am working on a programming project whose purpose is to manually select several dimensions, which will then be calculated according to a formula predefined in the program. I have two problems that I can't solve.

  1. When selecting the dimensions in the 3D model, I want to retrieve the maximum and minimum values of the dimensions. Currently, the maximum price is well recovered, but the price that is supposed to be at the minimum displays the nominal price. M

Tolerances are in " symmetrical " format and the only solution I have found to make this work is to put my tolerances in " bilateral " format. However, I have too many odds and I can't afford to change them all. It would therefore have to work for tolerances in " symmetrical " format as well. I'm attaching my program to this message (I've changed a few settings for privacy reasons, which shouldn't bother you answering my question).
2. How do I recover the face value of a quote?

Thank you for your help!


Could you edit your code using the forum tags?
(I never download an unknown code...)

Kind regards.

Hello forum expert, yes gladly, just how do I do it since it's in 3 parts? (Sheet, Module, Class Module)

you post in 3 separate parts and you specify where the code goes

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the code is not well formatted, read again the tags are not in the right place

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Option Explicit

#Const DEBOG = True

Const min As Integer = 0
Const max As Integer = 1

Private Sub CommandButton1_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
    Dim vlrMin As Double
    Dim vlrMax As Double
    Dim VlrNom As Double

    vlrMin = 0
    vlrMax = 0
    vlrMax = vlrMin + prm(8).minMax(0) - prm(2).minMax(1) - prm(3).minMax(0) + prm(5).minMax(0) / Cos((90 - prm(6).minMax(0)) * pi / 180#)
    VlrNom = Round((vlrMin + vlrMax))
    ' Mise à jour des TextBox avec les résultats formatés
    TextBox20.Text = Format(vlrMin, "###.000")
    TextBox22.Text = Format(vlrMax, "###.000")
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
    Dim i As Integer
    ' Réinitialisation des valeurs des paramètres et des TextBox associées
    For i = 1 To 8
        With prm(i)
            .minMax(0) = 0#
            .minMax(1) = 0#
            .tBox(1).Text = ""
            .tBox(2).Text = ""
        End With
    Next i
    TextBox20.Text = ""
    TextBox22.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton3_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
End Sub

Function chaineSaisie(nInit As Integer)
    While nInit <= 8
        If Esc Then Exit Function
        If prm(nInit).TimerExecute(True) Then
            nInit = nInit + 1
            Exit Function
        End If
        Esc = False
End Function

Private Sub Label1_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Label4_Click()

End Sub

' Gestion des événements Enter des TextBox
Private Sub TextBox1_Enter()
    chaineSaisie (1)
End Sub

Private Sub TextBox11_Enter()
    chaineSaisie (1)
End Sub

Private Sub TextBox2_Enter()
    chaineSaisie (2)
End Sub

Private Sub TextBox12_Enter()


Option Explicit

' ******************************************************************************
' ******************************************************************************
Public Declare PtrSafe Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer
Public swApp As Object
Public swAssemb As AssemblyDoc
Public swSelectMgr As SelectionMgr
Public prm(1 To 8) As ClPrm
Public Esc As Boolean

Public Const pi = 3.14159265358979

Function createPrm()
Dim i As Integer
    For i = 1 To 8
        Set prm(i) = New ClPrm
    Next i
    With UserForm1
        prm(1).initValuesPrm .TextBox1, .TextBox11, 1000#, 0
        prm(2).initValuesPrm .TextBox2, .TextBox12, 1000#, 1
        prm(3).initValuesPrm .TextBox3, .TextBox13, 180# / pi, 2
        prm(4).initValuesPrm .TextBox4, .TextBox14, 1000#, 3
        prm(5).initValuesPrm .TextBox5, .TextBox15, 1000#, 4
        prm(6).initValuesPrm .TextBox6, .TextBox16, 1000#, 5
        prm(7).initValuesPrm .TextBox7, .TextBox17, 1000#, 6
        prm(8).initValuesPrm .TextBox8, .TextBox18, 1000#, 7
    End With
End Function

Sub main()
    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    If swApp.ActiveDoc Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Un assemblage doit être ouvert."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If swApp.ActiveDoc.GetType <> swDocASSEMBLY Then
        MsgBox "Un assemblage doit être ouvert."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set swAssemb = swApp.ActiveDoc
    Set swSelectMgr = swAssemb.SelectionManager
    With UserForm1
    End With
    swAssemb.ClearSelection2 True
End Sub

Classroom Module

Option Explicit

Private pIndice As Integer
Private pCoef As Double

Private pMinMax(1) As Double
Private pBox(1 To 2) As MSForms.TextBox
Private pTimerEnabled As Boolean

Public Function initValuesPrm(ByRef editLoc1 As TextBox, ByRef editLoc2 As TextBox, coefLoc As Double, no As Integer) As Boolean
        pIndice = no
        pCoef = coefLoc
        Set pBox(1) = editLoc1
        Set pBox(2) = editLoc2
        pMinMax(0) = 0#
        pMinMax(1) = 0#
End Function

Public Property Get BkColor(no As Integer) As Long
    BkColor = pBox(no).BackColor
End Property

Public Property Let BkColor(no As Integer, clr As Long)
    pBox(no).BackColor = clr
End Property

Public Property Get tBox(no As Integer) As TextBox
    Set tBox = pBox(no)
End Property

Public Property Get minMax(no As Integer) As Double
    minMax = pMinMax(no)
End Property

Public Property Let minMax(no As Integer, vlr As Double)
    pMinMax(no) = vlr
End Property

Public Property Get coef() As Double
    coef = pCoef
End Property

Public Property Let coef(vlr As Double)
    pCoef = vlr
End Property

Public Property Get TimerEnabled() As Boolean
    TimerEnabled = pTimerEnabled
End Property

Public Property Let TimerEnabled(bool As Boolean)
    pTimerEnabled = bool
End Property

Public Function selectCote() As Boolean
Dim OkTol As Integer
Dim swDisplayDimension As DisplayDimension
Dim swDimension As Dimension
Dim swDimensionTolerance As DimensionTolerance
Dim vlr As Double

    selectCote = False
        pBox(1).BackColor = &HC0C0FF
        pBox(2).BackColor = &HC0C0FF
        If swSelectMgr.GetSelectedObjectCount2(-1) > 0 Then
            If swSelectMgr.GetSelectedObjectType3(1, -1) = swSelDIMENSIONS Then
                Set swDisplayDimension = swAssemb.SelectionManager.GetSelectedObject6(1, -1)
                Set swDimension = swDisplayDimension.GetDimension2(0)
                Set swDimensionTolerance = swDimension.Tolerance
                OkTol = swDimensionTolerance.GetMinValue2(vlr)
                pMinMax(0) = pCoef * vlr + swDimension.Value
                OkTol = swDimensionTolerance.GetMaxValue2(vlr)
                pMinMax(1) = pCoef * vlr + swDimension.Value
                pBox(1).Text = Format(pMinMax(0), "###.000")
                pBox(2).Text = Format(pMinMax(1), "###.000")
                swAssemb.ClearSelection2 True
                selectCote = True
            End If
        End If
End Function

Public Function TimerExecute(OKtimer As Boolean) As Boolean
    Dim start As Double
    Dim nTimer As Integer
    Dim PauseTime As Double

    TimerExecute = False
    nTimer = 0
    PauseTime = 0.25
    pTimerEnabled = OKtimer
            If pTimerEnabled Then
                pBox(1).BackColor = &HC0C0FF
                pBox(2).BackColor = &HC0C0FF
                    start = Timer
                    Do While (Timer - start < PauseTime) And (Not Esc) 'And (pTimerEnabled)
                        Esc = GetAsyncKeyState(27)
                    nTimer = nTimer + 1
                    UserForm1.TextBox99.Text = nTimer
                    If nTimer >= 180 Then
                        OKtimer = False
                        If selectCote Then
                            OKtimer = False
                            TimerExecute = True
                        End If
                    End If
                Loop Until Not OKtimer
            End If
            pBox(1).BackColor = &H80000005
            pBox(2).BackColor = &H80000005
            pTimerEnabled = OKtimer
            Esc = False

End Function

You can put the macro in PJ it will also help if we can have the visual in our solidworks

What does PJ mean? Sorry for my lack of knowledge...

It's attached.

I guess you've looked at this help: Get Dimension Tolerance Example (VBA) - 2023 - SOLIDWORKS API Help

Your variable " OkTol " is used twice for the Min and Max value so its value is replaced. In the help, the type is Long.

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I didn't look at this link, I didn't know it. I'll take a look at it, thank you. It was Maclane who helped me with the programming of

You're inflated... I directed you to the site that seemed relevant to me... I didn't plan anything for this purpose.
To see:

And I'm not sure I appreciate the tone used (sarcasm?)

I got the wrong person, sorry! I confused it with another user of the forum. You're by no means the person I was thinking of ^^. Have a good day to you. PS: To people of your type, embittered, I'm not asking for help, thank you.

The PS may be too much, isn't it?
@Maclane may have misinterpreted a message, but bitter for a person who spends his time helping others (Top contributor N°1 at the moment), I doubt it very much:

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Maybe it's exaggerated, but I found his message very negative knowing that I had no bad intentions behind it... But no problem, we are here to solve problems, to help each other and not to debate about it :grin: