Solidworks SimilationXpress

Hello everyone,


I have a small problem with solidworks simulationXpress.


All images generated in the report are black.


Could you shed light on my report.... my lantern!


Thanks in advance



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It looks like a graphical bug.


Is your graphics card up to date?


Try to restart Soliworks.


Or even your position.


What is the configuration of your workstation?




Have you tried restarting SolidWorks or even the station?


I haven't tried the restart yet, I'll do it tonight when I leave!!


My problem is not urgent, but I am intrigued.


I'll keep you posted tomorrow morning.


Thank you very much.

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Often it is a module that has loaded incorrectly.


Maybe also that Solidworks was shut down badly.


Rebooting is the first thing to try

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Hi all


The restart did not work:(



Does this happen with all files or only this one?


If you register under this piece under a new name, do you still have the problem?

You should try renaming the keys HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SolidWorks and HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SRAC in the registry.


If this doesn't change anything, you should modify the jpeg export settings (save as, select the jpeg type and then click on option). You should try the "screenshot" mode and then make a recording and try again.


If it still doesn't work, you should test with another driver for the graphics card.

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The graphics card is up to date.


This morning, I made a new part and the problem is the same.



Have you tried everything @fabrice_A has offered you?


Have you always had this problem?



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By exporting JPEGs in color rather than black and white it works much, much better!


Thank you very much sir.