Solidworks SimulationXpress


Does anyone have a solution to my problem:

I'm on Solidworks 2015 x64 SP4.0.

I put the license for the SimulationXpress module, but when I launch the module, the window opens, but nothing inside...

A solution?

Thanks in advance


It is possible that this is caused by UAC (User Account Control), french user account control.

If you have a minimum of rights on your machine, you can test this solution from the SOLIDWORKS KB:

When I start SimulationXpress, the task pane is empty, words are missing, and nothing shows up. What is happening?

If you are running Windows Vista or 7, please turn off User Account Control (UAC) by following steps 1-4 below. 

1) Reboot the machine
2) Log in as administrator. Without administrative privileges, changes may not take effect.
3) Turn off UAC
4) Reboot the machine

If this does not work, you will have to register a couple .dll's manually. 

Go to the command prompt and type these two commands separately:
1) Regsvr32 "<Solidworks\simulation path>\ CSQuickTips.dll"

2a) <Solidworks\simulation path>\ regserver32 Parametricobject.dll   (for 32 bit only)
2b) "<Solidworks\simulation path>\ Parametricobject.exe" /Register  (for 64 bit only)

These two dll's are always automatically registered when you start SimulationXpress. UAC may prevent the dlls from registering properly.


Good luck


Ok so for the first part, I can't.

and the second one I don't really see the part how to register:

1) Regsvr32 "<Solidworks\simulation path>\CSQuickTips.dll

I know to write the file path, but how exactly?

in any case thank you for your answer

If you can't de-register the UAC, you won't be able to re-register the Dlls anyway.

FYI, after regsvr32, you add a space and then in quotes, the full path to the file (including the name and extension of the file), but the easiest way is to see this with the IT, because you have to disable the UAC first


Solution that works:

- go to the regedit

-in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHIN\software\policies\microsoft\windows\installer, right-click menu new DWORD value

-The Named:  RemappedElevatedProxiesPolicy

(and this without making a mistake in syntax)

-Right-click on it and edit

-set the value to 1 and do ok

- Open program and features (in config panel) after having previously closed Solidworks

- Find SOLIDWORKS in the list, right click edit

-repair the individual installation of Solidworks according to your check everything and roll youth!

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See my last answer

Hello and thank you, because I have just displayed, after a lot of research, the information in the task table. All that remains is to get Xpress to work.