Very slow solidworks only in a sketch

Hello everyone,


Do you have a solution or explanation for this situation I am experiencing:


In a sketch, from a certain number of lines drawn, solidworks suddenly becomes very very slow to realize things.... draw a line, put a rib, etc....


This only happens in the sketch, as soon as you leave the said sketch, Solidworks becomes super fast and fluid again...

Working in the sketch therefore becomes a horror, with response times of 5 to 30 seconds...


I checked the CPU load which is barely 15% and the RAM which is barely half used, same for the graphics processor which is very little used.... no spades anywhere...



Thank you in advance if you have a solution to this problem.


Youngest child

CPU 15% is normal, SW does not support multicores (although it is in the prerequisites).

Maybe you should consider simplifying your sketch?
If you really need to do everything in a single sketch, you have to look at the automatic snapping options.



Can you post an image of your sketch that we look at if the PB is not elsewhere (or obvious) surely to be found in the construction of the sketch itself.

Between us, I don't see what, in a sketch, even a busy one, would bring the CPU to its knees.

Kind regards



Are you in a 3D drawing or environment?

If you would like a detailed answer, could you mail your document so that we can analyze the problem?

Kind regards


Hi all

Thank you for your quick answers, this is a sketch in an assembly.

The system started to be slow while drawing the lines, long before putting all the holes in.

I have to draw the strings of my piano, they must all be present, then, at each end there are the fixing holes....

Here is the drawing, the sketch


Good evening

try without the Sigma signs , which should be odds referring to something else. There must be cross-references and after a while he doesn't know where he stands.

Also look at the rehearsals. It only takes one or two wobbly things for it to slow down the mess.

Also, is the sketch created directly at the ASM level or at a lower level which would be a sub-assembly or a part of a sub-assembly. In other words, say at what level your sketch is located (please show the tree structure). Presence of layers, etc....

Kind regards



Here is the tree structure:

The Sigma are the holes in the sketch that are all calibrated to one, but it was slow before integrating the holes, I only had the lines and the signma of the lines are in reference to the ones next to it.

It's sketch 17 in the assembly with relationships with other parts indeed...


That's what I thought: try to do a rope sketch or make intermediate sketches that you can build on later.

Hello Stefbeno,

I can't see myself making 150 sketches for 150 strings (on more modern pianos it's almost 300 strings), I have a software that is worth a fortune, I want to have a sketch with all this information.

I want to remove the sigma, but what to replace them with, functions?

Thank you in advance for your answers.