

I am working under Solidworks 2013 and I am trying to make, in an assembly, a tangency between a ball and an extruded surface from a splin which is not a circle but a closed curve (modeling of a point contact). However, the software refuses to generate the constraint. Could anyone help me?

Thank you!!


Something like the attached example? (SW2013)


I use the sketches to create the constraints. I place 2 relatively close points placed on the arc that traces the sphere, and I constrain each of them on the spline generating the track (you can also use the surface directly. It allows you to follow the surface in 2D. To have the same thing on 3 dimensions, you need 3 points. It does a very slight interference, which can be corrected if it is really annoying.

It's a simple way to get the job done.


I didn't understand everything!

The ball and the surface are two different pieces that I assemble, like the example in the photo.


Ah, with a photo of your case, it's clearer!

As a result, what I was illustrating is reproducible as it is if you always have the same angle between the normal of the left surface and your tool including the sphere. If not, you have to find another subterfuge (unless someone has a better idea).

Not sure to be clearer. If it's still not good, show us what you expect in terms of the position of the tool at several points, to better understand the need.

Have you taken a closer look at my sldasm example?

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Otherwise, an idea like that. Have you tried the complex constraints with the cam path? If it doesn't work as is, you can try to create a dot at the end of the sphere to make a more obvious contact to the software.

I don't know at all if it would work in your case, but sometimes it gets me out of a complex situation... And sometimes it doesn't want to do it on a simple situation. In short, the joys of CAD ^^ (It makes me think that the tumbler dies slowly :( )


Or a solution like this:

You make a cylinder on your sphere (very light and which can only be in a configuration of the part so as not to disturb at the level of the plane, or even an extruded surface). This cylinder you can make tangeant to your left surface (which in your case is a spline extruded in one direction). I pushed the thing by placing a point  on the tool so that the angle between the tool and the normal of the surface is always the same.

What do you think?

