Solicitation of a pebble shaft

SLT to all

I started to study a pebble shaft (embedded on the trays) which is subjected to 2 opposing forces:
F is the sum of 2 forces; Tray pea and sheet metal loading
R Reaction of the rail on the roller
My question: is the axis of the roller subjected to shear stress?

Knowing that the 2 sides of the plate (right and left) admit 1 rail and 2 rollers.

Kind regards



I'm thinking more of flexing. I think that for shear, the force must be axial to the roller. Here it is more radial.

You can simulate it with remote charging if you model it.

Good night



Is this modeling compatible with this case:? (see P.J.)
Recessed :p rear nut
Distributed load: Rail reaction on axis

Thanks in advance 


It seems coherent to me because your roller axis becomes the hole in the wall!

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That's better

but at the end of the axis (fixed part on the wall) there is a downward load (load of the steel sheets on the wall), so I think that we should add to this modeling a force (downwards) on the embedment connection?