BOM output in excel from pdm


I would like to make a nomenclature in Excel or CSV format starting from PDM without having to do any drawing.for an integration to Cegid.

Item No./Part Name/Material/Mass/Quantity.

Thank you

Kind regards

stéphande DARTY




The vault does not necessarily have the same management of the display of bills of materials as those built in SW. But in order to be able to extract the data and test to get what you want, you need to set up the nomenclature to display the columns you are interested in in the administration interface. The export is then done directly in the windows exporter of the vault (nomenclature tab).


Thank you

Your answer helped me find the solution

Kind regards.

Cegid had also developed a module (10 years ago) that scans solidworks assemblies and allowed the component list to be imported directly into the BOM. That's what we use now (but we didn't have PDM at the time).

I would be interested to know how you reuse the PDM export to generate the bill of materials in Cegid.

The mill developed 10 years ago by Cegid is no longer really maintained and there is a risk of getting stuck during a Cegid or Solidworks update