Problems after blibliotec modification of tubes and profiles

Hello and Happy New Year to all!

My problem is simple, I found a profile library on the internet which is very complete but which is missing some profiles, so I create them as I go along by modifying and saving under an already existing profile (a square tube of 22x22 for example that I switch to 20x20).

Only the problem is with my drawing, in my list of welded parts the old description appears in the table. No matter how hard I look, I can't find where to modify this data...

Thank you for your help!



As @rpicard said, you need to go to the "Customize" tab of the "Properties" feature in SOLIDWORKS and change the "Description" property of your SLDLFP file.

Kind regards

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Have you looked in the 2 tabs next to it? "Customize" and "Configuration-Specific "

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I had a good look at the customize tab.... just missed putting a thumb on the wheel to display the entire table.... hard hard the start of the school year...

Thank you for your help!