Problems with opening a part family (solidworks)


My colleague had a little problem this morning.

He received the message (see attachments) when he wanted to open his family of rooms

Is there a way for him to recover or does he have to redo everything from the beginning?

Thank you in advance for your answers:)




I've already had the problem is no simple solution.

You can try to send the file to your reseller, who will probably send it back to SolidWorks who may be able to retrieve the information.

You can also try:

- a save under (or a take-home composition),

- open the file on another computer,

- save the part family in an Excel file:


Edit: see also this tutorial:




Check the parts families carefully

if these families were created personally i

It is normal for no one else to have access if he does not have a copy of it

It is also important, as already indicated, that for file exchanges to work with the same SW version and therefore parts families and excel

Have a good day and have a good tutorial

@+ ;-))



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So I tested the solutions... So I'm going to validate the answer already.

It seems that what happened these are that the coin planted at my colleague's house the day before and suddenly, all the family of coins was made metre by piece at the same time.

So I tested the recovery system of the part family with the 7-Zip program,
and I could see that she was no longer present in the room... As a precaution I looked at another coin with a family of coins and you can see it clearly.

In the end, my colleague was able to recover the part from before the crash, going back with the daily backup that our computer scientist had.

I remember any answer in case the problem comes back;)

Have a nice weekend


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