Problems with the display of parts in transparency


On Solidworks 2018, I have a problem with the display of parts in transparency. As soon as I select a part in an assembly to make it transparent, its display does not change, but if I try to select a face, it reacts like a classic transparency part and allows me to select the first part accessible behind it.

Do you have any information about this problem? Thank you in advance.



This behavior is normal, if you want to select the transparent part you have to switch the display to wireframe and select an edge.

Kind regards.




Or simpler to select a transparent face, click on shift+face selected (this avoids going through the transparency)



You didn't understand my problem, the part that is requested to be in a state of transparency is not but behaves as such when I try to select it.



Are you up to date with the graphics card and do you have the latest version of Solidworks 2018 (sp5 if you are under maintenance and otherwise sp4)?

Maybe it's just a small graphical bug.

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Is the part part of a sub-assembly?

If so, it's best to manage transparency from the feature manager.

Hello Rémi,

I encounter the same problem with the part being made transparent, which behaves as such but remains opaque.

Have you solved your problem?