Flowing subdomain with no boundary conditions


I would like to take a fluid bath and pass a fluid through a tube immersed in this bath. The problem is that when I create a fluid subdomain for the bath, it wants boundary conditions. How to do it?



Thank you in advance.


Your question is related to Flow simulation, isn't it?

Can you specify a little what you have already put as parameters to facilitate a possible answer.

Kind regards

PS ;-) Also specify which version of Flow you have.


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Yes, it's on Flow Simulation 2019.

I put an inlet volume flow of 0.15l/min and the air pressure at the outlet. For the bath, I didn't put anything in condition. The problem is that it makes the calculation do anything. It seems to me to be a simple configuration.

Hello @flefustec

If I understand your intention, it is to simulate the heat exchange between the fluid contained in the tube and the bath. In other words, a transient thermal analysis.

Please give all the details because even if I couldn't help you, it will give an indication to the person who knows FlowSimulation. It is possible that the conditions at the limit must be a matter of thermostat or maximum value (high temperature limit)

The simulation is not trivial (nor intuitive as one of my colleagues on this forum would say) so you might as well be precise about these intentions and especially about the parameters already used   ;-)

Kind regards


@Zozo_mp Hello,

Exactly! In fact, it's not really a bath. It is thermally conductive resin. And glycol water passes through channels to cool the elements. Typically like a tesla model S. I would like to see the heating of the elements (which are not displayed on my model) knowing that they are cooled (glycol water and thermally conductive resin to distribute the cooling)

I don't know if I was clear.

In fact, I would like to create a fluid that passes through canals and immersed in a "bath" of resin. I said it was a fluid subset but it's pretty solid...


I'm not able to help you any more, sorry!

In addition, SW Flow-simulation specialists are not legion here, I suggest you try on the US SolidWorks Forum where there are more experts

Kind regards