Deleting plane file dimensions

Hello everyone

I stumble over a macro or piece of code

I would like to automatically delete all dimensions from: Sheet1 Cutting   Drawing View1

this is to save time to record it in DXF

(I put the exact name of the view and the sheet)


Hello, there's an example here:

thank you but I don't understand what's interesting about the link you sent me



To make a macro to remove all dimensions from a drawing, you need to select everything in the drawing:

"Select all entities in a drawing" cf the link I gave

Then delete the selection:

Is it clearer that way?

I thought you were only stumbling on the part to select everything.


And why not use layers?

sorry hurden but I tried to make a recorded magro but when I launch it to delete the rating layer nothing happens

so I'm going to try to deepen the Pl solution

Hello everyone 

I tried the PL method but it doesn't work or I don't know

I tried the macro he advised me to do but nothing in the end

maybe I'm stupid

qestion solved by a macro