Delete a parent function without deleting child functions



Do you know of a way to remove a parent function without causing the child functions to be completely deleted? Mainly when you have a child extrusion with the face of a parent extrusion as a sketch plane.


There is the method of looking for references (right click on the parent function then "Parents/Children... ") attached to this parent function, but it can be long and tedious depending on the part to be processed.


Basically, I would like it to react like when a sketch becomes wobbly because it has lost a reference entity: just having to hang up the sketches and the sketch plan.


Do you know a trick?


I'm attaching a simple example, try to remove the "PARENT" function, I would like the "CHILD" function to remain active with an error message about its sketch plan.


I am on SW2013

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What I will try to do:

1.Edit the parent function then delete the edge that creates the surface of your reference then put back an identical line and rebuild the function

Logically your sketch will have lost the reference surface


2.Create a plane that is distant from the origin that will match your reference surface, and then point the reference surface of your child sketch back to that plane


no you can't save a child function if you kill the parent which is normal

or you have to create a sketch that is independent of the parents function so your function will not be a child of

but a piece in its own right

@+ ;-)




One trick can be to copy the function into the tree with CTRL+C.


Click the face or drop the function and press CTRL+V.


Thus the sketch goes wobbly for all its references and it is enough to put them back.


If the sketch has been constrained as much as possible "in relation to itself" (the least external references, for example for holes, dimension them in relation to each other and not all from an edge), putting it back in line will be quick.




In fact it's a new 2014 see screenshot


And after deletion we get this


but in 2013 it doesn't exist ...


Thank you for your answers


My question is about SW 2013, the 2nd method of @Tomalam works for lack of anything better.


On the other hand @ Tomalam, your first solution doesn't work in the example given...


@jfaradon: can't wait for the transition to 2014... We've been waiting for this feature for a long time!



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