On Autocad, is there a "Select Channel" function?

On Autocad (and DraftSight), can we select a "chain" of entities (segments, arcs etc... connected by their ends) by clicking on one of the entities? (as for a polyline).



There is FSMODE:




Another link that talks about FSMODE and other selection methods in AutoCAD:



But a priori, it will be more the objects that "touch" than a chain itself.




Hey, I didn't know about this feature! I'll be less stupid tonight.

Thank you Lucas.


To complete Lucas' answer, if the goal is to join the entities in order to create a polyline, you can use this feature anyway. This is because the join command will only use the selected "joinable" entities from the selection. You are free to deselect the few entities manually (with the "SHIFT" key) if there are any duplicates.


A clarification, you have to type "'FS" (with the apostrophe) during the object selection prompt to activate this feature.



Be careful, the lucas feature is part of a full version of Autocad tools. In fact it is a LISP. The polyline remains interesting for a large number of applications. For Drafsight (also part of the question), there are different and interesting selection possibilities: Per window (f), Capture (C), WPolygone (wp), CPolygone (CP) and Path (t) in addition to the traditional mouse functions. Otherwise, the SMARTSELECT function offers good options for additional selections.

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it works, Great!

Thank you very much Lucas, EricR and mwalti.


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