Imported Area


I would like to convert this part to sheet metal and flatten it, the problem is that it is an imported surface with a lot of errors impossible to solve.

Do you have any idea how to do it? Except to make drawings with dxf extension in all directions and redraw the part entirely with the help of 2D software.

I put the file in pj.

Thank you very much in advance for your comments and for your help.


@gt22 it smells like a sewing workshop ;-)  

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Given the simplicity of the part, I will model it based on the surface import. It's just a sheet metal piece.



and not there is no sewing ;-)

On the contrary, there is too much material in all directions ;-) it's ramping hard hard

Here's what the unfold of the room should look like

via surface flattening

@+ ;-)


If I understand correctly, the best would be to redo the piece from scratch?

Yes, if you are used to sheet metal functions, it is a matter of an hour counting wide.

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