SW 2014 Output Constraint Editing Function


On sw2014 what makes that if you get out of the constrained edition of a part (with the right the trunk that has bezels) you end up with hidden parts and others transparent without being able to go back to normal?


Well it's the display that changes, the why of the how and what does it do when you close I don't know. maybe a bug




The truncular telescope is to visualize the constraints, isn't it?

The selected part appears in normal and those with which it has a constraint in transparent. The others do not appear.

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Question and answer, quickly and well done, completed in 4 minutes.





@ Frederic Yes

@ SB It's not the first time this problem has happened to me but it's the first time I've found it so I'm sharing since it would surprise me to be the only one to have this type of problem

I think you answered yourself too quickly! @Frédéric seems right!


Edit:OOPS,  re-reading, do you want your display to go back to normal? Do you have the window listing all the constraints that appears?

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Yes @Benoit, Frédéric is right about the start but he doesn't talk about the state of closure of this pop up. but this does not happen all the time.

I will add that if you open an assembly that you edit the list of constraints of a part, only the parts that are constrained with appear=> normal.

BUT if you click next to the pop-up window you remain in this state.

So the solution go to the tab like the 2nd capture and select the dual appearance (the gray added in the edit mode)


Then you save and close.

If by misfortune you leave it open (even in another assembly) as soon as you edit a part you go back to this state.


I say it's a BUG