SW - Command & Shortcut for "Show Hidden Components"

Hi all


I usually use keyboard shortcuts on Solidworks but I couldn't find the following command in assembly: "Show hidden components"

Despite a command search and in the menus, it is impossible to configure a shortcut. Do you know where to put a keyboard shortcut to this command?

PS: I know that the manip is available with a right click, but it's not what I'm looking for.


Thanks in advance! 

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Shift+tab and hover over the hidden component.

In 2016, CTRL+shift+tab to show the hidden components and then click on the components to show


Hi Max,

I forgot to mention that it's on SW 2015. Otherwise, the Shift+Tab is not quite what I'm looking for because you have to go through a bit of a vacuum to display the components.

The "Show hidden components" command displays the hidden components and then you can click on each component you want to re-display, so a slightly different concept from Shift+Tab I think.

But thank you anyway:)

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Why not create a keyboard shortcut manually?

Actually that's what I want to do, I would like to assign my own shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+S), but the problem is that the command is not found in SW, so I can't assign a shortcut.

I went to take a look at Customize --> Keyboard. But the command doesn't appear there, so I can't assign a shortcut ...

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It's impossible to assign it to a keyboard shortcut, I even recorded a macro and it comes out empty, as if the function didn't exist!


You're right, this command that corresponds to the icon present in the assembly bar of the command manager is strangely absent from the list to add a patch.

In 2015, the only solution is to use this icon.

If you go to 2016, the ideal remains the solution proposed by @max59


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And put it in the shortcut bar that appears when typing the letter "S"?



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And here I see the function.


So you can add a keyboard shortcut.


@Bart it's not the same command, the one you indicate in your second message allows you to hide a component if it is displayed and vice-versa.

So much for me Lucas;)

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Thank you all for your answers. It confirms that the order is a ghost!

So I'm going to forget about this keyboard shortcut and continue like this.

Thank you all for your answers. It confirms that the order is a ghost!

So I'm going to forget about this keyboard shortcut and continue like this.

Ba in the shortcut bar it works, so ghost yes, but half ^^

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Yes, it's quite weird. I just saw the same thing with "close sketch", command not found as well ...