SW - MEP - position of the views



How do I position one view in relation to another?


Example : view A must be 100mm from view B


Thank you



For my part, I would draw a 100mm line on which I would position my views and then I block the position of the views so as not to move them by mistake.






I think @coyote gave you the right answer.

Out of curiosity, why look for such a positioning?



Yes, for what reason?

But the coyote solution seems good to me!

To block the view, right-click on the view and then "Freeze view position". The opposite is "Deliver the position of the view"

If this view is going to be in the same place in all your drawings, consider saving predefined views in your drawing template.


Kind regards


You can also use all the sketching tools to help you with drawings.

In the drawing rules, each view must be spaced an equal distance apart. Immossible to do it automatically in sw.
