SW Rows as soon as I open a PCB


For my work I collaborate with electronics engineers who design PCBs on altium that I then integrate into mecha parts.
For the import of the PCBs, they provide me with an STP that I then save in Part.

The observation is simple: I spend more time waiting for solidworks to respond than working.

Crashes are very often made, when I move the orientation of the view, when I make a cut, when I add constraints, when I open a drawing with PCBs, etc...
These crashes occur on all PCBs regardless of their complexity or format (STEP or Part).

My machine is new and made for SW: all SSD, 32GB of ram, CG Quadro 4000, I7-7700K processor.
During SW crashes, according to the task manager, neither memory nor processors are full.
As far as the drivers are concerned, I used SW Rx to do the update, and it confirms that the drivers are well supported.

From the solidworks point of view, since the PCBs display all the components by default, I created a "simplified" configuration where I only have the boards and connectors: I go from about 2500 bodies to about 100.
Even with that, I don't really notice any improvement while there are only simple geometries left.

Finally, in the performance settings, I lowered the level of detail to the lowest.

Even with all this I have to wait several minutes to put 2 constraints, if by chance SW doesn't close directly. 

I don't have any more leads to try to solve my problem so I'm calling on you hoping to find someone who has encountered this kind of problems.