SW2012 Disappears on Win7


If you have migrated to Windows 7 you have to reinstall SW, I don't think it is done automatically

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A few clarifications would be welcome.

What has disappeared?

On what occasion?

Is this recurrent?

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I rephrase I clicked a little quickly:



Plural of Monsieur;

During a manipulation: right click on an element of the tree, "zoom on the element", I instantly lost my Solid window.

Yet my process still works.

For those who develop, it looks like the app goes to "SWApp.show=false"

In the task manager it no longer appears in application but only in process.

If I open a Solid file I can see the process getting out of hand (Ram and %processor), but nothing happens on the screen.  

Before, on XP, from the task manager you could "put the process in the foreground". Is it also possible on Win7? Otherwise another idea because I'm used to using this function of Solid and I don't want to be blocked all the time!


Have a good evening and thank you in advance!



Killing the task, restarting and restarting doesn't change anything?

A display problem may be.

Have you updated your graphics card drivers?


See the link:




Have you just tried ALT+TAB or Windows+TAB?

Strange, it looks like the PB I had the other day with the disappearance of the solid window.




On the other hand I'm in SW13.



Do you manage to reproduce the pb every time?



Hello Is your graphics card driver up to date?
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Is it the whole application that you don't see or only your components in the graphical area of solidworks?



"Putting the process first" also exists since Windows 7, you just have to double click on it (or right-click to toggle to) from the task manager.

Edit: it only works from applications and not processes!


If not, does the station have a dual screen?

Be careful to update the graphics card drivers only from the official SolidWorks website to have certified drivers:



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Plural of Monsieur;


First of all, thank you for your help.

In answer to your questions:

The solid window suddenly disappeared after "zooming in on the selection" on the design tree.

It no longer appears in the taskbar, nor in the manager's tasks.

Only the process remains; So indeed alt+tab allows me to walk around all my windows but not solid.

It's the third time in 7 days, it doesn't happen every time I use "zoom on selection" but when it happened, solid had been open for a long time.

Indeed, if I kill the task and start again, it starts again but the work done is lost.

I'm up to date from a graph card point of view.

If the app runs in processes but is not accessible from anywhere, it looks like a crash all the same.

This problem only appears when using the zoom function at best? it has been reproduced on other posts than yours?



A reset of the settings in the registry will allow you to see if this comes from the configuration of the workstation.


To do this, close SolidWorks, go to the registry (start menu > run > regedit and rename the key corresponding to the version of Solid in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Solidworks\

For example, "SolidWorks 2014" becomes "SolidWorks 2014.old".

This is important to find your parameters later.


Then restart SolidWorks (all the settings are unfortunately lost...).


In general, the problems do not persist after such a reset.

If the problem still occurs, it is not due to the settings, and you can delete the new registry folder that was created when SolidWorks was launched and replace it with the old one (in ".old" for example).

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What has changed on your machine configuration?

You haven't installed anything or anything else? An update?


It looks like a process problem that uses the same resources and puts your CG in overload.


It can be a stupid thing like adobe, java or a demo.

I speak from experience...





it just did it again;

I introduced a bill of materials by insertion/table and instantly, my Solidworks window this time does not disappear but becomes transparent. On the other hand, I can save, insert my table, close, all in transparency! When I re-open solid it works well and as soon as I insert the nomenclature it starts again.


By inserting the nomenclature by the insert table icon it works. I think I will proceed with a reinstallation. 


Indeed I've had a lot of things to install these days since I just got my job, and tell you what software can have generated this multitude of weirdness... I tried with a colleague who has exactly the mm config as me, he it works...  


You say everything in 2 times... :-)


A different software version can do a lot of harm...

It must surely come from that

The sudden transparency mentioned in the last intervention makes me think of something:

you wouldn't have an Nvidia graphics card with the Nview module by chance?



Looking at your windows temporary files (%temp% in a windows explorer), it is common that when random problems occur when the temporary ones are too large.


If so, delete the items in this folder.



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It was the Nview module.

I disabled it and it's okay no more worries!


Thank you

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