SW2012: Problem with Drilling in Assembly



I have to use a drilling function (drilling assistant) in an assembly.

It's a stupid blind radial drilling on a tube and a sleeve inside the tube.


"Regularly", whatever the type of operation, the drilling comes back to an unrelated diameter and depth.


QWhat has anyone ever had the problem and above all has he managed to solve it?

yes the problem happens a few times

When you don't remove the links from the piercing wizard

All you have to do is re-dimension the said drilling via its sketch


@+ ;-)




I have never been confronted with the problem!

Isn't it just a problem of reconstruction ?

If you do CTRL+Q right after validating your hole, it doesn't update it?

Is your drilling managed by a table ?

Are the operations that modify the drilling random ? Isn't that a particular guy?

And when you print the sketch of the hole by hand, it is totally constrained (in black)? 

@GT22: What do you mean by  "when you don't remove the links from the piercing assistant"


@Lucas: I don't know the effect of "Ctrl+Q", I imagine that it calls the same function as the "traffic light" icon.

Indeed, the phenomenon occurs randomly.

The sketch of the hole, I guess you're talking about the section and not the positioning.

Positioning is completely constrained

The hole section sketch is SW's default one.



As suggested by GT22, I tried to delete and recreate the dimensions of the section sketch.

Apparently there is an improvement.

I'm waiting a little while to continue working on the file to validate.

@ stefbeno


I repeat......................................... Ifyou re-mark the sketch you won't have any problems anymore


@+ ;-)

@GT22: That's what I did. Don't get angry like that, it's raining, it's normal, it's Easter weekend.


On the other hand I repeat (too) my question, what do you mean by "when you don't remove the links from the piercing assistant"?




It seems that problems appear when we keep the links coming either:

_de the toolbox

_ou via # supports

Recurring topic of the various FOFO


The why: not the same toolbox nor the same # assistance depending on the version


The best thing is to create your own toolbox, and if you are in networks a common toolbox the same for everyone


and I don't get angry and at home it doesn't rain ;-)


@+ ;-)

To complete and close.


I recreated the 2 dimensions (dia and depth) keeping the links (so the name of the dimension).


It seems to be working.