SW2014 Rebuilding Parts in an ASM if they open?



I created an assembly driven by an Excel file to modify certain parameters such as lengths and widths.

My problem, when I auto-rebuild my assembly, some functions in the parameterized parts are not rebuilt.

Functions driven by equations and part families.

It is mandatory to open each room so that it can be rebuilt properly. This wastes a lot of time and complicates use.

Is there a way to force these rebuilds without opening them, either by a SW command that I don't know, macro or VBA?


Thank you for your help.



In my humble opinion you can only rebuild if you have the model open (even in car)


@+ ;-)




I know some will say ancore a paid solution, but I know that this one works.

I want to talk about DriveWorks, a single-player version for your case that would allow you to do what you want and more.


In addition, there is a 30-day trial version.



