SW2016 - breadcrumbs - basic blueprint display


How do I display the "bottom" menu of the breadcrumb trail, which allows you to select the base or origin plans?

as framed in red on an image (see link)


New in 2017 not available in 2016.

Thank you, I understand...

It 's a shame that they didn't think of it right away...

This function (with basic plans) is really a very interesting potential time saver.


May the dark side be with you...

Well, personal note on this function,

The potential of this function could make the tree on the left disappear (even if we would still keep a backtracking with classic display)


If you click on a sub-element, it auto-expands the tree (even if the tree's system option is set to "do not expand") except for certain types (origin, body,...)

Too bad...



Allow choice in the system the "self-develop" for this function.

Allow you to "scan-hover" the tree of a component (to look for axes or construction plans for example, or other things...)

As it's been many years since I stopped sending ideas directly to SW (usa), we'll see how this function evolves, in a good way, or not...

PS as a reminder: yes there is an official SolidWorks web page (usa) to submit ideas, suggestion (not bugs) in English of course.