SWOOD I have a problem because the photos don't appear in the report

Hi friends, I have a problem with the file not downloading the images, so the thumbnails are not showing up in the browser, which is causing the problem


Do the following ==> Document  Properties ==> Image Quality ==>Click Use Best Zoom Isometric View for Document Preview.

Be careful, you may need to open and save the document to view the graphic samples.

Thumbnail images are not updated if :

If the file is saved without being opened in its own window.

If the top-level assembly is saved and the new files are saved externally.

You can also hover over the title bar of a collapsed document to see its name, thumbnail, and path.
In recent versions you can also export thumbnails to Excel (with constraints of not automatically updating the thumbnail)

Another tip
Ability to stealthily open (without having to open the room) the room in a preview window. Very practical when you don't have ASMs with a multitude of parts and subsets with esoteric names.    Possibility to create a shortcut (ctrl + a keyboard letter)


Kind regards

Thank you very much for responding and sorry for being late
The problem is that the pictures do not appear in the report completely, I do not know why, and they are not uploaded to the project file

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