Inventor symbol red arrow + green arrow in circle?


On Inventor, what does this symbol of a red arrow and a green arrow arranged in a circle mean?

It can be seen in front of a function, a sketch or a part.


Thank you for your help!

I don't know Inventor, but it looks like a function that is not up to date, or needs to be rebuilt.

It is a function that has (or had) an external ref.

By right-clicking, you have the "adaptive" attribute checked.
It appears when you edit a part in the context of the assembly and create a geometry related to another part.

Where Inventor is annoying is that even when you remove the link, the function/part/asm keeps its attribute, so you have to go up the chain, to deactivate it at each step...


There is an option to change so that Inventor does not make a part or feature adaptive by default. I don't know the exact name anymore but it's done. 


Thank you, she did indeed have an external reference.

Here is a screenshot for the options to change according to your preferences.

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it's simply that the part is not updated in the assembly,

right-click, then from the context menu, choose Component Update
