(symbol for drilling)

Can we have an accuracy to the 64th of a base inch with the (symbol for drilling) and also have the base dimension to the 16th of an inch with the (smart dimension).

I think that in the text file calloutformat.txt it could be done but I think I'm wrong.

Is there a macro at worst that could exist??


If I have understood your request correctly,

The "calloutformat.txt" file only gives the format of what will be written when you point to a hole (smooth, tapped or other). To increase the accuracy of the dimensioning, you must go to "document properties" in the "dimensions" tab and/or in the "units" tab.


Hello Rim-b

Thank you for your answer.

But I'm trying to find out if it's possible to be accurate to 1/16th of an inch in the base dimensioning in the drawing and in the drill symbol to be accurate to 1/64th of a base inch in the drawing

It's especially for the tapped holes and their pre-drilling ex: 1/2 13NC and the 27/64 drill bit it is then necessary to go and change the units of the pre-drilling symbol

it's either one to the other  and not both I think


For the dimension in inches, there is a parameter to be modified that allows you to specify the basis of the fractions to be used on the dimension.

See attached image.

Is that what you wanted?





Hello Todesco

Thank you for your answer.

But I'm looking for a way to avoid doing like in your photo. I don't want to have to do that. I want new designers to have no trouble choosing the right fraction based on the thread. I want it to be (idiot proof)