Symmetry of assembly constraints


I currently have an assembly on which I would like to achieve symmetry. For the moment I have achieved a symmetry of this assembly but my assembly constraints are not preserved.

Indeed symmetry being a "constraint", it is likely that Catia does not keep the assembly constraints for me but only the geometry, but  I would like to know if there is a function under Catia that allows me to obtain a symmetry for my PART while keeping my assembly constraints (coincidences and angles between landmarks mainly). That is to say, to reproduce my complete assembly, both of the parts and but also of the constraints that bind them.


Thank you in advance.

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As you can see in this video, you can check 2 boxes at the bottom:

- Keep the positioning link

- Maintain the link with geometry

Does that answer the question?


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I am also interested in this subject of symmetry with conservation of constraints.

To help with the discussion, here is a test assembly.

Thank you in advance for your help

See also this page:




You have to redo the constraints so uncheck the option "Keep the positioning link"  (which cancels the position influence of the symmetry plane on the symmetrical parts)

Keep  the option "keep the link with the geometry"

Then activate the symmetric subset and create the assembly constraints.

 @ bendesarts be careful in the example you provide the symmetrical command is not useful you end up with 3 new files while they are the same parts and the same assembly "instance"??  simply oriented symmetrically with respect to the first instance!