

Why not use DropBox?

It automatically syncs chosen folders up to 2 GB!

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My file is + 8GB so dropbox impossible and much too long given my connection..



I am indeed the only designer in the company, so the only one to modify the plans.


There what I did, I synchronized the server folder with my laptop.

When I work on my laptop, I save everything in the offline folder if I understood correctly,


And when I connect it to the network, it synchronizes what I've done at home.


So ok, right? Or did I forget a step?


I'm doing a test, I'm going to edit a file and see if it syncs

Well, in the asolu, it works, but when I open an assembly on my laptop, it can't find any parts, all the links are broken....

You need to repoint the paths to the offline folder



Have you thought about Teamviewer or one of the same use?


If your workstation in the office is connected to the internet, you can take control of your PC (from the office via the home PC) and you work directly on your server or hard drive. you don't lose the links between the files because you don't make transfers or other moves from PC to PC.


I did this a few times to avoid file moves


Kind regards


I take the liberty of intervening in this discussion because it seems to me that something has been forgotten. The security and data backup aspect.

The principle of the portable hard drive that you "take" everywhere to be able to work is a big risk of data theft but also of loss in case of malfunction. Because it is very difficult to effectively manage backups on a volume of data that moves.

Each of us knows how important our data is and the damage that can be caused by its loss or uncontrolled dissemination.

Kind regards.

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From the point of view of security against theft, now there is what is needed.


After for the backup of the data, I find the risk as great as having the data on the hard drive of the laptop, if there is no backup made regularly.




@ S.b

Indeed, the risk of these two uses is rather similar.


On the other hand, I didn't know about hard drives or biometric usb keys. Have you ever used them?



No, never used, I almost bought one 6 years ago.


I also know that this system exists on laptops.



Wow! So many answers!


Thank you all!


Before the implementation of the new server, I was working via Team viewer, but hey, given the very weak connection of our company, it wasn't great, especially since I work in dual screen on several different software, and suddenly, in terms of image quality and performance, it's not great.


I had also thought about the external hard drive, but hey as said + high, in terms of security and reliability, it's not great.... and in +, it adds a wire in + (I hate cables!!) ^^


I'll try to repoint Solidworks to the new folder, it should be fine....


For personal information, our IT service provider has a biometric hard disk, in terms of data security, there is no better. It's a bit like the encrypted hard drive.

To open it, apart from cutting the finger, there is no other way^^


I do a few more synchro tests, and I give my final verdict!! =)


Who will be the best?! :p


Thank you again to everyone for your commitment!




A little last,

If you have a Gmail account, Google Drive works like DropBox with more storage space (15GB)


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another small ...


If you have a Gmail account, Google Drive works like DropBox, with the advantage of having more storage space (15GB)


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@rmorel, for the security of the data transport of the hard disk, I use Secure Digital. It's simple and after 3 attempts the disc is blocked.

You can turn it on or off as you wish. after the backup, it's the story of NAS and synchronization in my case, but for a fixed server company there are the disks in mirror (raid) 

In my old company it did this once a week, and after a crash (the 2 discs that dropped at the same time the 0.5% chance) they had opted for daily backup on tape. 

Hi all


@SEPM. Gerald

First question: what is "Secure Digital"? Because despite a web search, I couldn't find any information about a data protection system.


Second question: You use several NAS. I also want to use this solution, which is easier to set up than a domain. However, I would like to ask myself two questions. What type of NAS should I use? What type of connection for the NAS: standard ADSL?


Thank you in advance.

Have a nice day

I'm coming back to you to give you my final result.


To put it simply : 


- From my laptop, I was looking for the folder on the network.

- I took it offline

- I pointed Solidworks to this new folder so as not to lose the reference links.

-There you go


Now when I work in the office, the plans are saved on the network folder.


If I connect my laptop to this network, the network synchronizes the new files on my laptop.


And when I work at home, when I get to work, by connecting my laptop to the network, it synchronizes the new fixhiers, and adds them to the network.


So exactly what I wanted.


Thank you all for your help, and S.B I put you in a better answer, because you were the first to give me this solution.


Have a good day everyone!



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