Syntax property :d atecreation



What is the syntax to get the date of creation of the document, please?

It is indeed in the summary of properties (see image), we also have in the DateCreation properties, but what is the expression to have it automatically ?


It is also with the VersionHistory tool from mycadtool...


I tried "SW-DateCréation@<name piece>", it doesn't work.


Kind regards





if you work with your property forms that you have created


Everything will be set up and taken into account


See tutorial on this page


@+ ;-)




I'm not sure I understand what you want!

Do you want to display the date where?


A lead:

See the attached file.

The syntax is "Creation Date" (if you use Smartproperties) and it's a SolidWorks property.





If it's for a drawing, why not put it by binding the "Create it" property?



For me, all the information must be on the 3D model, the drawing retrieves the information of the part.


@flegendre: Yes yes of course, you have to have the information on 3D beforehand, I was talking about the next events :)

But I may have misunderstood the question, if it's to fill in the 3D property table then yes, I was a little too far ahead in the process:D



@gt22: I'm watching today, because yesterday I had no sound, so it's harder to "see" the videos... Is it boring;)


So for more info:

- The date is created in the custom properties of the 3D and then automatically included in the MEP.

- Currently, this date is filled in by hand. It's not long for sure, but on some pieces, this step is over, and then you have to come back to it.



@flegendre: Yes, that's what I need! but wouldn't there be an instruction like the type material: "SW-Material@<name piece>"  that would exist under SW? since it is an SW property?


@Jose: Flegendre has already responded. Thank you.


@lucas: according to the link, I tested  $PRP:"SW-short-date" to see what it did because I didn't know the instruction. But the date evolves with the piece.

By testing from there: $PRP:"SW-Created Date", I get the right date but a little too complete

Is there a way to combine the two? Short date and created date?

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@GT22: I just watched the tutorials. In the document creation date, they choose/select this date by hand. It does not enter automatically.