Bottom-up revision table

Hi all


I'm in the process of remaking a revision table template.

On the other hand, the increment of revision lines is automatically done one below the other.

Is it possible to do the opposite? I would like to make a revision table with increments stacked on top of each other?

The column titles at the bottom and the revisions above?


Thanks in advance



Have you tried clicking on these arrows?


View image


Then on this icon (see image)



In my house, these arrows only hide/show the first row of the table.

The icon allows you to place the title row at the bottom of the revision table.

But revision increments are always done from top to bottom.

I would like to do the opposite. My creation revision at the bottom then come to stack on top of the new revisions.

Mystery and gumball!


Bart, this morning I clicked on your icon and the revision table did what I wanted! stack the revisions on top of each other.

Maybe a bug yesterday...

I haven't figured it out yet!

in short, I quickly save my model!


These are the great mysteries of the C.A.O =)


Solidworks hasn't given us all its secrets yet:D


Glad you made it;)