Automatic variable dimension table

Hello everyone,

I would like to evolve a plan with an automatic variable rating system. I don't know if this is possible or not?

Attached is my file and my plan as an example.

I would like my X, Y, L and M odds to auto-populate in my dimension table based on the configuration.


I see that you are working on Solidworks 2017, do you have the possibility to open parts in 2018? It would be easier to send you an example but you won't be able to open it with the 2017...

-It is preferable to use sheet metal when creating sheet metal. You can more easily retrieve information about the part (thickness, sidewall length...) in your drawings by using a list of welded parts.

So I remade your example part in sheet metal with both configurations to do my test. It works but you have to tinker with the lists a bit. Do you master the welded parts lists: create it, save the model, put columns with the "properties of the welded parts list article"?



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I'm asking you this because it's the best way to have automatic values in a nomenclature.

Otherwise for your example:

-you have to insert two views of your room, one with the P1 config and one with the P2 config.

-You have to empty all the boxes of your board

-In the "L/P1" box, you double click to edit it then, on the P1 config view, you click on the corresponding dimension (the value will be displayed in the table) and so on for the other boxes of the P1 line.

-For the P2 line, same but on the P2 config view.

"You put your two views out of the sheet.

-You insert a "default" config view on the sheet and on it, you can put your letters L,M,X,Y. (I advise you to check "Replace with value". You can more easily go back to the real value.)




Your solution works, I hadn't thought of it!

After that, it's a bit of a shenanigans, but hey, it works!

If however someone has a more automatic solution than that, I'm interested in the meantime thank you for your answer, I'll go on that for now:)

If you are using a family table, you can insert the excel table into the drawing (from memory, by copy and paste).

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I thought about it by the part family but my problem is that I also control functions in my part family and suddenly it shows me a lot of things that I don't need


You can reorder the columns and play with the display (zoom in excel) so that you only have what you are interested in when you insert it into the drawing.

I tried but it didn't work, either I'm doing a bad job or there's a bug on my SW.

This always shows me the full picture

Or maybe it's evolved since I needed to do it (SW15)


Yes, it's a bit of a trick, I grant you. But starting with an extruded room and with a general table, there is no real alternative but to do it manually.

That's why I was asking you if you know how to use welded parts lists and that it's better to use the sheet metal module. You can have all the information automatically but it's a little longer and more complex to explain if you don't know. There is a small manipulation to be done in the construction properties welded in the "PART" to attach a property to the desired dimension and you have to create a list with columns that display the desired properties.

The only problem is that I don't know how to get a line per config, so you have to make two lists. (see attached image) In this example, everything is automatic.

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I'm not going to say that I've mastered but I know the method yes

The part I sent was just for the example, we use all our parts or almost all in sheet metal and mechanically welded.

In fact your first method is better for the moment because all the templates we have are "obsolete", I would have to recreate a base of 0 with correct plans but for that I need time and I lack it!

Thank you for your answers.

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For your next pieces if needed. Lines must be created in properties with the primary value of the coast.

See the image, don't forget the ("").


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