Welded Tables - Missing the dimensional characteristics of the profiles

Hi all

I have a problem in the nomenclature/list of welded parts in a drawing when I create a part/assembly based on profiles (square, round, ...). My concern is that the dimensions (e.g. 25x25x2 for a square tube) of the profile are not indicated in the table.

I think I understood where my problem comes from: in the sketch (. SLDLFP) of the profile, when I look at the properties of the file, Customize tab (on the top banner), I come across the "DESCRIPTION" property which contains only the text "TUBE CARRE". Information on the dimensions of the profile (e.g. 25x25x2) is missing. To complete it, while remaining in the "Text Value/Expression" cell, I click on the different dimensions of the sketch and this modifies the evaluated value of the description property, which therefore changes to "TUBE SQUARE 25x25x2". Afterwards I find the right description in the layout of my room, so the problem is solved for this profile.

Now the problem is larger, I have a total of 1300 profiles in my library and there, you start to see the (big) problem. In addition, the profile sketches were designed on SolidWorks Education

My different options:

  • Lazy: I rename the profile sketches I use by the tasted account;
  • A little less lazy: I take the profiles that SolidWorks provides as a base and I create new ones for each need;
  • Worker: I rename all the sketches of all the profiles that are in my library. My boss is going to kill me;
  • Bold and lucky: I have a nice colleague on Lynkoa who provides me with his already well-written library.

Unless I missed something, I go for the "A little less lazy" solution, which seems to me to be quite clean. Do you see any other options/ideas?

Attached, the library and examples of pieces I use.

FYI, I'm on SW 2020 SP4.0. The library I use comes from this forum.

Thank you for your help


On the new versions of solidworks (since 2016?), you don't have to make a sketch by tube size and you can make a sketch with a family of parts.

As a result, the description and dimensions are very quick to modify since you just have to fill it in the excel file.

In addition, the faces are less inverted for my experience when changing sections.

Here is an example for a stainless steel square tube


Thank you@sbadenis !!! I finally adopted your method. It's way faster than anything I thought I'd do! And above all, much more efficient. So I'm going to build my part families directly in Excel spreadsheets. Would it be worth sharing the Excel parts family files here?