Task .pdf and .stp EPDM no longer works following passage 2018


Following our EPDM and SW 2018 migration (which had gone perfectly until then), we are encountering a problem in the EPDM. We have created 2 tasks, a .pdf creation and a .stp creation

I first got an error message where I had to go to the Default folder to find a file and drag it into the tree of the "administration" console of the epdm, so far so good.

But when we go to pdf or stp, we ask the software to fill in the name of the file the minor and major clues of our pieces. This is what does not work, whereas before the migration everything worked very well.

Do you know what this can come from?

Thank you for your answers:)

Kind regards


Hello, I had a similar problem during a migration, I rewrote my tasks as if I had to reactivate them.

Since then, it's back to normal

Thank you, indeed by rewriting them it works:)