Senior Technician in Industrial Design of Mechanical Systems


I am looking for information on this level III certification equivalent to the BTS, DUT.

  • Are there people who have obtained it?
  • Is it well recognized by employers?
  • Does anyone have any examples of the final 4-hour test?

Thank you for your information


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I have a BTS certificate in Design and Manufacture of molds and tooling, it is well recognized in the field of mechanical manufacturing.

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Where did you get it? (AFPA, Ecole,... ?)

Is it really a Higher Technician Certificate (from the National Education) or a Level III Higher Technician certification (equivalent like the certification I site)?

Did you find work without any problem afterwards?

Thank you

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I obtained a Higher Technician certificate (in a vocational training center).
 I easily found a job in a French company here in Tunisia as a designer.

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Thank you for your answer,!



I obtained this same diploma at the AFPA, is this what you are looking for?

If so, do not hesitate to contact me.

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