I want to revise our Solidworks templates (Prtdot, Asmdot and Drwdot) but I have a problem when I want to use the options. I'd like to change the line weights, layer colors, and layers of each component of the drawings.
I've made the changes a few times and in testing, nothing goes as planned.
However, I have the tracing in "according to the standard"...
Otherwise, two one-minute tutorials on how to use layers:
The help page for this topic: http://help.solidworks.com/2012/French/SolidWorks/sldworks/t_Layers_PerStandard.htm
And for the colors, remember to activate this option:
Color display mode. Click this tool to toggle between aesthetic colors (colors chosen from layers or with Line Color) and colors indicating system status(fully constrained, underconstrained, and so on). Sketch endpoints and wobbly dimensions are always displayed in the system status color.