Mortise tenon on stringer exterior spiral staircases

Hello everyone! I am working on SW2019 SP04

I wanted to create mortise tenons to facilitate the placement of the railing plates of a spiral staircase, except that the software does not accept it on the ext stringer, I succeeded by selecting the sheet metal of my step but obviously this is not the desired result (see photos). When I select the inner side of my stringer, it tells me that the result would merge the pieces. It's simply impossible to do this because the stringer was created from a surface and a transitional fold. 

Thank you for your answers!


To use this function, you must:

bodies so make sure to make your parts in volume 


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Why not do a material removal using the face of the tenon then unfold the stringer and repeat the mortise?


Try to build your stringer this way, so you don't go through surface. You know the height, the angle of the quarter turning, the Ø as well as the width of the stringer, so you have everything you need to make it in sheet metal directly. Here is an example that I made in elliptical almost 3 years ago.



I prefer the method of @ac cobra 427 because the advantage of doing it in sheet metal is that you stay very very close to the real world (real life) which will save you a lot of modifications and wasted time and in addition to the time saved for the cutting in particular.

Kind regards

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Thank you very much I will try with this option!


I need to do the same thing as @AC Cobra (skirting board _elliptique) but on a cone trunk! In order to get a vertical flat with a slight angle. I imagine it must be the same principle as on a cylinder but I have a hard time knowing where to start. Thank you in advance for your help




The easiest way would be to open a new workstation and also put screen prints of your need because we didn't all have the same versions.