Sketch Text - Superscript


I'm on SolidWorks2019.
I haven't found a way to have a superscript character in a text function of the sketch like this:


Do you have a solution directly in the function?
There is a solution by adding a second text with a weaker font but that's not what I'm looking for. 

Thank you for your help,



I can see a solution: edit the desired font to offset the characters. Save it as a variant and use it in SW.

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After some testing, it depends entirely on the font used.

Otherwise you have to go through 2 steps as you mentioned.

An example is the font  "Calibri" which has the R in superscript.

On the other hand, for some unknown reason, instead of doing Alt +174 I have to do Alt+169 to get the R. (whatever font is used and not only under SW) Otherwise use the Windows character table and then copy / paste.

I'll see if I find anything on it.

Edit: it's Alt + 0174 for ® and Alt + 0169 for ©

So don't forget the 0 he has his role.

To conclude, you have to choose the font carefully.


The real question is; Is the character that Nicolas wants to put in superscript or ® something else entirely?


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Unless I'm mistaken, there is nothing in SW to write text in superscript mode without going through a 2nd text.

You will have to find a font that knows how to write in superscript.

Don't forget that you  can only use  one font for the same text.

Otherwise it's to write in Word and do a conversion/vectorized and integrate it into a block. (watch out for overlapping letters)

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Thank you all for your answers!
