Tolerance on drawing


I am coming to you because, we have received a drawing with a geometric tolerance sign, see the attached file

And despite the search in the VSM and the net, it is impossible to get your hands on it

On the drawing this tolerance is on 1 external diameter with respect to a bore

And I tell myself that maybe some of you might have known this sign of geometric tolerance

Thank you in advance for your help




It's a taper tolerance. In the past, there were some for turned pieces (turned pieces) with a small diameter and long when you don't work between points.

If you don't finish with a minimum removal and at a high speed for the last pass, then the tool flexes the part a little at the end and this generates a certain taper. Typically when you make rough drafts in rough mode or with poorly sharpened tools. With the carbureted pads this problem has almost disappeared. Note that the GPS rating does not include this taper problem because it is treated differently.

Be careful not to confuse it with the taper symbol used for walrus cones or tapered pins.

To go further, watch here for the beginning of an explanation

And also there  (hach!!    ausgezeichnet )

Kind regards



Hello Zozo_mp@,

Thank you for your quick answer:)

I will print the PDF document as I will have a trace for the next request of my fellow cartoonists

Have a nice day
