Sheet metal work, edge jointed

Hi all

On a sheet metal part, I would like to make 2 sides with double plies + 2 sides with single fold and joint

Unfortunately I can't make joint folds.

Anyone have a trick or procedure?

Thank you in advance




I add a piece of information.

I would like the junction of the folded edges to be identical to the attached picture


Hello Raphaël,

In the attachment, a model that seems to me to meet your constraints.
It uses the "Edge-Folded Sheet Metal" sheet metal function, adapting the sketches to ensure edge coincidence.
In SW 2019 version.

Kind regards.


Thank you very much for the answer. Indeed, this model looks very similar to the one I am looking to make. I can draw inspiration from them to make my piece. Thanks to this file I just figured out the trick!

In the sketch of the edge bend function, a chamfer must be made, which makes it possible to make the rounding and connection between the two folded edges.

Below is the result of my design

Thank you so much for the help

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