Tolerie solidworks

Hi all 

I'm new to the forum. I can't unroll this sheet metal because I used the bending function. How is it possible to solve this PB? I start with a sheet metal with fixed dimensions and I want to see what diameter it can make me. (I've seen all your tutorials but it's in the opposite direction). Here is an image, it will be more telling. Can you help me please, I spent the afternoon on this piece without succeeding...  



To make this part I would have drawn the profile in sketch and then use the sheet metal function you used and there your part will unfold because it is the torsion function that I think is the problem.

Hello AC Cobra 

Thank you for your help. The problem is that I don't know the profile at all. I don't know the radius. In fact I would like solid works to give me the radius if I bend 180 degrees, as in the torsion function but in sheet metal. Basically make a sketched fold but with the angle as an entry. 

In fact, I want to start with a rectangle in sketch and then fold it into a round shape. I don't want to start from an arc of a circle in sketch to unfold it to have my rectangle. 

Okay, then you'll need to use the insert a fold function. You edit a sketch on the part you want bent and you draw a line that goes through and use the inserted a fold function and it should work...

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So in fact that's the problem, I can't click the insert a fold function at all. She's always drunk, no matter what I do. Is it possible to send you my share by email in order to watch please? It's 2016

You have to make the sketch as explained and then being in the sketch you use the function.

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I finally managed the story of 'insert fold' but it doesn't solve my problem because once again even like that you have to indicate the radius you want... Is it even possible to do what I want on solidworks? 

Well, you start from a flat sheet metal to arrive at your final part. In any case, you will have to fill in the radius since you have one.


Good evening Antoine

AC cobra (whom I salute) rightly even if you don't know the radius, inevitably you have to know all the other dimensions such as the center distance of the fixing holes and the width of the wings, this is what will allow you to deduce the radius.

How was the piece drawn in PNG image.

Kind regards

PS: Be very careful with the bending function because you can have the illusion that the part has the right radius and that the radius is well placed when it is not (this is not very accurate with the bending function)

Post your part on the forum because if you have your radius with the bending function, you can measure the radius with the measure function and then once the dimension  is known use the method proposed by @Ac cobra which will give you the best flow.

Last point : your drawing will be correct but still ask yourself how to proceed in the workshop and beware of the direction of the fiber and the spring back, if it is not done while driving.


BonjourZozo_mp and ac cobra,


Thank you for your answers. I think I've found the solution, I'll have to make a formula that takes the length of the base rectangle (my initial dimensions) minus the width of my fixing wings, then insert it into the formula of the radius of curvature (Pi*R) because it's 180°. I don't master the formulas on solidworks but on Catia I'm sure it's playable. What do you think? 

I really don't really understand the reasoning. Because in general we start from a finished piece to have the development and here you start from the opposite; What for? Do you have any specific constraints? You can do as I explained in my 1st answer and adapt your dimensions to adjust your press to the need of your material constraints for optimization...

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Hello antoine

That is what I have suggested to you.

There is no need for a formula in Solidworks, just apply the radius directly (which is (( length of the base rectangle (my initial dimensions) minus the width of my fixing wings ))

Of course using the [[ function inserted a fold ]] indicated by our eminent colleague @ac Cobra

Simply because it couldn't be simpler in terms of simple simplicity.

Kind regards

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Or you do as I described, but you dimension your sketch with the cord length by clicking on the two points and then on the arc of the circle. That way you will also have the development of your piece.


Hello @ac cobra

The best answer is ?

You were a winner but you didn't get the prize at the Drawmi Hawards ;-)



Hi Zozo_mp,

It was between the two of us but the referee decided for a draw.
