SW sheet metal work

Hello.  For context: I'm really a beginner on SW, and I'm boose under SW 2011. Do stamping parts have to be registered in SLDPRT or SLDFTP and required or not in the design library? On the one hand. And on the other hand, when I slide my stamping part onto my sheet metal, I get an error message, like: "This function will create disjoint bodies. Multiple sheet metal bodies are not supported." Do you have any advice to guide me.



A single piece is better recorded in SLDPRT format and in library or not it doesn't matter.

Otherwise your sheet metal and your tool must be saved under two different files and combined in an assembly file.

If I understood correctly what you are asking.

otherwise help here:



Have a nice day.

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I put the same DSL link twice.

here is the second.


Good luck.



If you want to create stamped shapes on sheet metal parts, you need to create shape tools, which are in Lib feat part (.sldlfp) mandatory.


If you have this type of error, it means that your shape tool is not suitable. Can you contact us?


This is done in several steps,


- make your shape tool and save it in SLDLFP


-then make your piece as you want, and insert this libfeatpart.