Twisted on a circle

Good evening

I want to know how to make a circular repetition (pj jpg) on a circle and then how to change the angle of each square in order to make a twisted iron on a closed circle.



With a balayage, torsion option:

Twisting along the path. The section rotates around the trajectory.

Set the torsion in degrees, radians, or turns under Defined by.


I still have SW2014, I don't know if with 2015 or 2016 we can make a propeller following a trajectory.


If you make a helix around a circle, you should be able to use extrusion with a swept base on the base of your square.

Yes, finally with the max59 solution, it's much simpler.


But on SW2014, he doesn't take a closed line. I don't know if that's still the case.

Thank you Max 59!

Good night.

PS: I haven't tried the Freeman_83 method yet.
