Trace in sketch


In a sketch, I drew a mechanism with a somewhat complex kinematics and I would like to recover the trace of the end of a bar, when I "turn" the motor.

How can we create the trace of a point?

Thank you.



Unless I'm mistaken,  but Solidworks has the possibility to create shemas which are sketches, blocks, everything on plan like a sketch, which can be set in motion and used as a skeleton to define the rest to be done.


Kind regards.




Indeed, the Sketch Blocks allow you to animate a 2D diagram, on the other hand it does not retrieve the outline of a point. 

Block overview:

Have a good end of the day

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With a design study perhaps,

  1. Variable: Motor rotation angle.
  2. Sensors of the type measuring the x-coordinate of the desired point (with respect to the origin).
  3. Sensors of the type measuring the y-coordinate of the desired point (with respect to the origin).
  4. Export contact information to Excel. 
  5. Import the cloud of the point.
  6. Connecting these dots with a spline.

The result can be obtained but with drawbacks, there is the export format to Excel and the fact of manually linking these points which is annoying, unless you go through CrveData from mycadtools for example. 


There is also this Technique that I find interesting, 



Thank you all for your answers.

So I started looking with the animation tool (I also have the Motion module), but this one is far from intuitive.

On a simple crank rod he does not respect the constraints, then seems to put them back on...

Does the module work if there are sub-assemblies?

Does anyone have a tutorial or a course? Thank you.


Hello, it works for flexible  subassemblies (left click > make it flexible), This may be of interest.