Cylindrical helix plot

Hello Gentlemen,

Are you familiar with the geometric method on the drawing board to make a helical staircase stringer and the plan and elevation tracing and development of the piece?

Height 100 cm

Pitch 100cm

Rectangular section 20 by 10cm

Thank you in advance

Kind regards




Some links found:


From a question about Lynkoa here:


Be a little + precise in your request, make us a sketch for example.

My descro classes are far away unfortunately, but you have to find it on the net...


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Hi @ Alain, it's all links that have already been provided on the site

some of whose questions have not yet been resolved 

but the gentleman asks for the geometrical method of tracing on a plate

@+ ;-)

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Here is a file made with my SpaceClaim,

But I would like the geometric method, plan, elevation and development on the drawing board.

In the meantime, thank you



@ David if you look at my previous message you have a spiral staircase link in 2 D


@+ ;-)

See this link also

@+ ;-)

Another link:

@ Alain

you wrote

Lucas Prieur

1 April, 2014 - 13:43 | /!\ Report abuse

Another link:

I put exactly the same link 2 and 4 discussions + top ;-)

@+ ;-)

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in fact it is a rectangel triangle that wraps around a cylinder


the base of the rectangle makes Diam cylinder x Pi x nb turns

Height is the total height of the staircase

So all you have to do is convert the linear coordinate system into a circular coordinate system




The development of a spiral staircase stringer is a parallelogram, nothing more.

The angle between the sides is equal to the slope of the stairs. The length of the short side is equal to the height of the section. The one on the long side to the length of a helix coil x the number of turns.

For a thin sheet metal, it doesn't matter where the measurement is. For a thick section like in your example, you have to take the neutral line (about in the middle of the thickness but this can vary depending on the material).

The easiest way is to measure it directly on your CAD since it works. Otherwise, if you really want to do it by hand, wikipedia is your friend:


Since you have a CAD, I don't think you really wanted to draw a helix in plan by hand?

To check your development, just roll up the sheet on itself...


Edit: I hadn't seen jfaradon's answer but the method is interesting too.
