Transferring SolidWorks Components to Excel

Hi all!

Here I am finally registered. I've been following you for a while but no matter how hard I look, I can't find the answer to my question.

I would like to extract all the parts of an assembly (without drawing) to an Excel workbook. I know that SolidWorks works partly with Excel so I think it's possible. Unfortunately my knowledge of VBA is limited (I'm only starting in this field). Should I do a SW macro?

Thank you for the help.

What do you mean by "I would like to extract all the parts from an assembly to an Excel workbook"? Do you want to make a nomenclature?


Because if that's the case, you can do it from your assembly. You have to go to "insert" => "table" => "Nomenclature"

Then you right-click on it => save-as. All you have to do is choose the format that suits you (Excel, text, etc)


Thank you for the answer. That's what I wanted.

I didn't necessarily want a nomenclature but just the list of parts in an excel binder. I thought that you could use a macro to automatically export the parts to a binder.


Thanks again for the answer. That is enough for me.

We must be able to use a macro ... but you risk complicating your life for little more in the end;)


Have fun then


Otherwise, from your assembly, you can also create your BOM, and then save it in Excel format.

Same way as the mep, but without going through the mep.

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Yes, what I was saying actually Opiep27 ;-)

Hello and welcome to the site. Thank you Coin37coin for the answer. You just saved my life since it was the only blockage of my project which dates back many years. I tried to find a solution everywhere on the net but nothing. Thank you so much.